Usedtobecool जी
, समस्त विकिपिडिया समुदायके तरफसँ अहाँके मैथिली विकिपिडियामे हार्दिक स्वागत अछि । विकिपिडिया एक मुक्त विश्वकोश छी जे सब कोइ लिख सकए छी ।
  • अखन धरि मैथिली विकिपिडियामे १४,१३८ लेख सभ अछि । एकरा बढेवाक लेल अहाँ हमर सभक योगदानक आवश्यकता अछि ।

आऊ हम सभ मिलकए मैथिली विकिपिडियाके विश्वके अन्य मुख्य भाषा जोंका एकरो बृहत बनावए छी ।

  • विकिपिडिया कोनो व्यक्तिके सम्पादन करए के लेल अधिकार दएत अछि । अहूँ एतए नव लेख लिखए लेल वा ए मे रहल लेखमे सुधार कऽ सकएत छी, मुदा विकिपिडियामे अहाँ कोनो विज्ञापन वा आत्मकथा नै लिख सकएत छी ।
  • सबसँ पहिले दुटा लेख बैंसी पुछए जाए वाला प्रश्न आर विकिपिडिया:स्वशिक्षा पढए के लेल अनुरोध अछि ।
  • अपन परिचय दए के लेल अहाँ अपन प्रयोगकर्ता पृष्ठ बनाएब । (परिचय देनाए कोनो अनिवार्य नै अछि)
  • विकिपिडियामे नव लेख लिखएके लेल वा ए मे रहल लेख सभमे सम्पादन करएमे कोनो दिक्कत बुझाबए तहन वा विकिके बिषयमे कोनो प्रश्न, सुझाव दए के लेल चबुतरा वा प्रश्न पृष्ठ सम्पादन क अपन प्रश्न, सुझाव राखब ।
  • विकिपिडिया सम्बन्धमे सामान्य जानकारी सभके लेल परिचय पृष्ठ देखब ।
  • कोनो सहयोग कऽ लेल सहायता पृष्ठ देखब ।
  • प्रयोग कऽ लेल प्रयोगपृष्ठ पृष्ठ देखब ।
विकिपिडिया:मैथिली दुतावास
  • हमरा सभके विश्वास अछि जे अहाँ एकटा विकिपिडियन बनि ए विकिके लेख सभ सम्पादन करएमे आनन्दित मानबए ।
  • कृपया वार्तालाप पृष्ठमे चाइरगो वक्र (~~~~) प्रयोग कएर सहि करब । ई वार्तालाप पृष्ठमे स्वत: अहाँके नाम, वार्ता पृष्ठके जडी आर तिथि लिख दएत । हमरा कोनो बात पुछए पडत तहन हमर नाम पिछाडी लिखाल (वार्ता)मे क्लिक कऽ प्रश्न पुछ्ब ।
  • यदि अहाँके विकिपिडियामे कोनो समस्या पडत तखन अपन वार्तालाप पृष्ठमे {{helpme}} राखब । कोइ अहाँके समस्याके समाधान अवश्य बताएत ।
  • अन्य समस्याके लेल प्रबन्धक सभसँ सम्पर्क करी ।

धन्यवाद !

-- मैथिली विकिपिडिया स्वागतम (वार्ता) ००:४३, ९ सितम्बर २०१९ (+0545)उत्तर दें

What is your problem?

सम्पादन करी

By your actions, it's clear that you are a communist follower. You don't need to describe me. I know myself, and I am a keen follower of democracy! I want to work on Wikipedia! Why are you reporting all my accounts? This is the last time I am asking you to let me work.Kmishra1024 (वार्ता) २३:४४, २ नवम्बर २०२१ (+0545)उत्तर दें

As I said before, I tried to help you. You are the one who didn't want it. You're the one who went to the admins calling me a communist and trying to get me blocked. Even now, I let your IP edits stand when they are good. You are banned, so of course, you can't have an account because the older an account gets, the more rights it accumulates and the harder it is to deal with. If you want to edit Wikipedia, you need to stop your political vendetta. You need to be politically neutral in your edits and you need to understand what an encyclopedia is. Calling w:Beni attack a promotion of maoists is the stupidest thing I ever heard. Obviously I am not going to tell you whether I am a communist or not, but it does not matter. What matters is whether I show any bias in my mainspace editing.
When you understand that that article was not me being a communist or a maoist, you'll be ready to edit Wikipedia. You'll still have to convince the rest of the people though. Because, during your rage-quit, you told everyone that you were never going to edit Wikipedia again. And after that, you've been socking for months. My advice? Edit Commons or Simple English Wikipedia or something for six months. Then make an unblock request, showing an understanding of what went wrong with all this stuff that you've been doing. It probably won't succeed the first time, but if you don't start abusing people when it fails and edit another six months on whatever project, you'll very likely get unblocked after another six months. If you don't sock for the next six months, I'll support your unblock. I don't know why you have a selective memory, but you are one of the very few Nepalese people who have come to Wikipedia to genuinely edit it instead of making money. So, I respect you for that, and I wanted more than anything for you to continue to edit there. That is why I helped you get unblocked. You think you would have been unblocked in the first place if I had not commented there? Be honest, to yourself if not to me. Anyway, Happy Tihar! Usedtobecool (वार्ता) ००:०४, ३ नवम्बर २०२१ (+0545)उत्तर दें