नयाँ मुलुक नेपालक एक भूगोल क्षेत्र छी, जे नेपालक पश्चीमी-दक्षिण भागमे स्थीत अछि। काली नदीस राप्ती नदीक बीच तराई भूमि १८६० के बाद "नया मुलुक" कहैत अछि।[१][२]

१८६०मे नयाँ मुलुकके एक झल्क

इतिहास सम्पादन करी

सन्दर्भ सामग्रीसभ सम्पादन करी

बाह्य जडीसभ सम्पादन करी

  1. "Using 'Shikar Diplomacy' in 19th-Century Nepal"। अन्तिम पहुँच 29 February 2020... what was then called 'Naya Muluk', a strip of Terai flatlands the British had returned to Nepal in gratitude in 1860 and today encompassing the districts of Kailali, Banke, Bardiya and Kanchanpur.
  2. "International Boundary Survey and Demarcation of South-eastern portion of Nepal with India" (PDF)। अन्तिम पहुँच 29 February 2020