विकिपिडिया:चबुतरा/२०२० मे भेल वार्तासभ
विकिपिडिया एसियाली महिना- २०१९ संस्करण
सम्पादन करीविकिपिडिया एसियाली महिना प्रति वर्ष नवम्बरमे आयोजना कएल जाएत अछि आ एहि प्रतियोगिताक लक्ष्य एसियासँ सम्बन्धित लेखसभकें विकिपिडिया पर स्थापना केनाए रहैत अछि। विगत कीछ सालसँ मैथिली विकिपिडिया समुदाय सेहो ई प्रतियोगितामे भाग लैत आबि रहल अछि ताहि हेतु सद्ति जका एहो वर्ष मैथिली विकिपिडिया पर ई प्रतियोगिता आयोजना करवाक लेल समुदाय सँ अनुरोध करऽ चाहैत छी। धन्यवाद-- पंकज देव (वार्ता) १७:०५, २६ अक्टुबर २०१९ (+0545)
सम्पादन करी- हमर समर्थन अछि। ई प्रतियोगितामे हम आयोजक भक मद्दत करऽ चाहैत अछि। —- Saroj Uprety (वार्ता) १८:३३, २६ अक्टुबर २०१९ (+0545)
- समर्थन--Bijay chaurasia (वार्ता) २०:५५, २६ अक्टुबर २०१९ (+0545)
- समर्थन--Kiran Kumar Sah (वार्ता) १८:०६, २८ अक्टुबर २०१९ (+0545)
सम्पादन करीप्रिय सरोज उप्रेर्ती जी, अपने एहि विकिपिडिया एसियाली महिना- २०१९ संस्करणमे नेपाली विकिपिडियामे आयोजन कऽ रहल छी आ मैथिली विकिपिडिया पर सेहो अपने ई संस्करणमे आयोजककें रुपमे हस्ताक्षर केनए छी, जे तार्किक नै अछि ताहि खातिर अपनेसँ आग्रह अछि जे अपने एहि बेर नेपाली विकिपिडियामे आयोजन करी आ मैथिली विकिपिडियामे एकटा प्रयोगकर्ताक रूपमे सहयोग करी। धन्यवाद पंकज देव (वार्ता) १३:०६, ३० अक्टुबर २०१९ (+0545)
- सम्पादक मित्र सरोज उप्रेर्ती जी, अपनेक कएल गेल आग्रह स्वीकार करि अपन भुल सुधार केलौं तकर लेल धन्यवाद, आ सङ्गे अपनेसँ आस केनए छी जे अपने द्वारा एहि विकिपिडिया एसियाली महिना- २०१९ संस्करणमे एकटा कुशल प्रयोगकर्ताक रुपमे बहुत रास लेखसभ निर्माण होएत। आभार पंकज देव (वार्ता) १०:४२, १ नवम्बर २०१९ (+0545)
- धन्यवाद पंजक देव जी! हम बहुत रास लेखसभ निर्माण करएक लेल प्रयास केनए अछि । — Saroj Uprety (वार्ता) १०:५५, १ नवम्बर २०१९ (+0545)
सम्पादन करीमैथिली विकिपिडियाक प्रवन्धक मित्र तुलसी भगत जी, अपनेसँ आग्रह अछि जे एहि १ नवम्बर, २०१९ सँ भरि महिना धरि मैथिली विकिपिडिया पर सञ्चान होमए जारहल विकिपिडिया एसियाली महिना- २०१९ संस्करणमे अपने आयोजककें रुपमे सहयात्रीक भूमीका निर्वाह करि से आग्रह आ अपेक्षा अछि। धन्यवाद पंकज देव (वार्ता) ११:०९, १ नवम्बर २०१९ (+0545)
- प्रिय पंकज देव जी, अपने द्वारा कएल गेल आग्रहक लेल धन्यवाद, सङ्गे अहाँक आग्रह स्विकारि हम अपनेक अपेक्षा अनुरूप आयोजककेँ रूपमे सहयात्रीक भूमिका निर्वाह करबाक लेल तैयार छी। धन्यवाद! — तुल्सी भगत (योगदान | वार्ता) १२:१०, १ नवम्बर २०१९ (+0545)
Project Tiger update: Let's walk together with Wikipedia Asian Month and WWWW
सम्पादन करी- Apologies for writing in English, Kindly translate this message if possible.
First of all "Happy Dipavali/Festive season". On behalf of the Project Tiger 2.0 team we have exciting news for all. Thanks for your enthusiastic participation in Project Tiger 2.0. You also know that there is a couple of interesting edit-a-thons around. We are happy to inform that the Project Tiger article list just got bigger.
We'll collaborate on Project Tiger article writing contest with Wikipedia Asian Month 2019 (WAM2019) and Wiki Women for Women Wellbeing 2019 (WWWW-2019). Most communities took part in these events in the previous iterations. Fortunately this year, all three contests are happening at the same time.
Wikipedia Asian Month agenda is to increase Asian content on Wikipedias. There is no requirement for selecting an article from the list provided. Any topic related to Asia can be chosen to write an article in WAM. This contest runs 1 November till 30 November. For more rules and guidelines, you can follow the event page on Meta or local Wikis.
WWWW focus is on increase content related to women's health issues on Indic language Wikipedias. WWWW 2019 will start from 1 November 2019 and will continue till 10 January 2020. A common list of articles will be provided to write on.
In brief: The articles you are submitting for Wikipedia Asian Month or WWWW, you may submit the same articles for Project Tiger also. Articles created under any of these events can be submitted to fountain tool of Project Tiger 2.0. Article creation rule will remain the same for every community. -- sent using MediaWiki message delivery (वार्ता) १८:२९, २९ अक्टुबर २०१९ (+0545)
Wikipedia Asian Month 2019
सम्पादन करीकृपया अपनी भाषा में अनुवादित करने में सहायता करें
Wikipedia Asian Month is back! We wish you all the best of luck for the contest. The basic guidelines of the contest can be found on your local page of Wikipedia Asian Month. For more information, refer to our Meta page for organizers.
Looking forward to meet the next ambassadors for Wikipedia Asian Month 2019!
For additional support for organizing offline event, contact our international team on wiki or on email. We would appreciate the translation of this message in the local language by volunteer translators. Thank you!
Wikipedia Asian Month International Team.
MediaWiki message delivery (वार्ता) २२:४२, ३१ अक्टुबर २०१९ (+0545)
Project Tiger 2.0 - Hardware support recipients list
सम्पादन करी- Excuse us for writing in English, kindly translate the message if possible
Hello everyone,
Thank you all for actively participating and contributing to the writing contest of Project Tiger 2.0. We are very happy to announce the much-awaited results of the hardware support applications. You can see the names of recipients for laptop here and for laptop see here.
78 Wikimedians will be provided with internet stipends and 50 Wikimedians will be provided with laptop support. Laptops will be delivered to all selected recipients and we will email you in person to collect details. Thank you once again.
Regards. -- User:Nitesh (CIS-A2K) and User:SuswethaK(CIS-A2K) (on benhalf of Project Tiger team)
using --MediaWiki message delivery (वार्ता) १३:००, ८ नवम्बर २०१९ (+0545)
सम्पादन करीआदरणीय मैथिली विकिपिडियाक सम्पादकसभ,
मैथिली विकिपिडियाक पाठक तथा सुवेक्षु लगायत सम्पूर्ण मैथिली विकिपिडिया परिवारकेँ सूचित करऽलेल चाहैत छी कि आजुक दिन ८ नवम्बर २०१९ केँ मैथिली विकिपिडिया अपन पाँचम वार्षिकोत्सव समारोह मनाबऽक लेल जा रहल अछि ताँए एहि अवसरमे अपने सभ गोटेक बहुत रास शुभकामना सङ्गे एहि कार्यक्रममे एबाक हेतु सादर आमन्त्रणा अछि।
तिथि: २०१९ नवम्बर ८ स्थान:- राजविराज जेसिज भवन सभा कक्ष समय:- साँझ ५:०० बजे सँ
Extension of Wikipedia Asian Month contest
सम्पादन करीIn consideration of a week-long internet block in Iran, Wikipedia Asian Month 2019 contest has been extended for a week past November. The articles submitted till 7th December 2019, 23:59 UTC will be accepted by the fountain tools of the participating wikis.
Please help us translate and spread this message in your local language.
Wikipedia Asian Month International Team
--MediaWiki message delivery (वार्ता) २०:०१, २७ नवम्बर २०१९ (+0545)
विकिमिडिया समिट २०२०
सम्पादन करीविकिमिडिया सम्मेलनमे मैथिली विकिमिडियन्स दिस सँ प्रतिनिधित्व करवाक लेल तैआर कएल गेल प्रारूप अनुसार पंकज देव जी चयनित भेल समुदाय समक्ष सहर्षतापूर्वक जानकारी कराए रहल छी। तुल्सी जीकेँ प्रारूप अनुसारे प्रतिवेदन तैआर करवाक लेल सेहो धन्यवाद देमए चाहैत छी। धन्यवाद--Biplab Anand (वार्ता) ११:१०, १२ दिसम्बर २०१९ (+0545)
[WikiConference India 2020] Invitation to participate in the Community Engagement Survey
सम्पादन करीThis is an invitation to participate in the Community Engagement Survey, which is one of the key requirements for drafting the Conference & Event Grant application for WikiConference India 2020 to the Wikimedia Foundation. The survey will have questions regarding a few demographic details, your experience with Wikimedia, challenges and needs, and your expectations for WCI 2020. The responses will help us to form an initial idea of what is expected out of WCI 2020, and draft the grant application accordingly. Please note that this will not directly influence the specificities of the program, there will be a detailed survey to assess the program needs post-funding decision.
- Please fill the survey at; https://docs.google.com/forms/d/e/1FAIpQLSd7_hpoIKHxGW31RepX_y4QxVqoodsCFOKatMTzxsJ2Vbkd-Q/viewform
- The survey will be open until 23:59 hrs of 22 December 2019.
MediaWiki message delivery (वार्ता) १४:५०, १८ दिसम्बर २०१९ (+0545)
Project Tiger updates - quality of articles
सम्पादन करी- Excuse us for writing in English, kindly translate the message if possible
Hello everyone,
It has been around 70 days since Project Tiger 2.0 started and we are amazed by the enthusiasm and active participation being shown by all the communities. As much as we celebrate the numbers and statistics, we would like to reinstate that the quality of articles is what matters the most. Project Tiger does not encourage articles that do not have encyclopedic value. Hence we request participants to take care of the quality of the articles submitted. Because Wikipedia is not about winning, it is about users collectively building a reliable encyclopedia.
Many thanks and we hope to see the energy going! (on behalf of Project Tiger team)
sent using --MediaWiki message delivery (वार्ता) २२:०६, १९ दिसम्बर २०१९ (+0545)
Wikimedia Movement Strategy: 2020 Community Conversations
सम्पादन करीDear Wikimedians,
Greetings! Wishing you a very happy new year!
We have an update for the next steps of the Movement Strategy! We're preparing for a final round of community conversations with Wikimedia affiliates and online communities around a synthesized set of draft recommendations to start around late/mid January. In the meantime, recommendations’ writers and strategy team has been working on integrating community ideas and feedback into these recommendations. Thank you, for all of your contributions!
What's New?
सम्पादन करीThe recommendations writers have been working to consolidate the 89 recommendations produced by the working groups. They met in Berlin a few weeks back for an in-person session to produce a synthesized recommendations document which will be shared for public comment around late/mid January. A number of common areas for change were reflected in the recommendations, and the writers assessed and clustered them around these areas. The goal was to outline the overall direction of the change and present one set that is clearly understood, implementable and demonstrates the reasoning behind each.
What's Next?
सम्पादन करीWe will be reaching out to you to help engage your affiliate in discussing this new synthesized version. Your input in helping us refine and advance key ideas will be invaluable, and we are looking forward to engaging with you for a period of thirty days from late/mid January. Our final consultation round is to give communities a chance to "review and discuss" the draft recommendations, highlighting areas of support and concern as well as indicating how your community would be affected.
Please share ideas on how you would like to meet and discuss the final draft recommendations when they are released near Mid January whether through your strategy salons, joining us at global and regional events, joining online conversations, or sending in notes from affiliate discussions. We couldn't do this without you, and hope that you will enjoy seeing your input reflected in the next draft and final recommendations. This will be an opportunity for the movement to review and respond to the recommendations before they are finalized.
If possible, we'd love if you could feature a discussion of the draft recommendations at the next in-person meeting of your affiliate, ideally between the last week of January and the first week of February. If not, please let us know how we can help support you with online conversations and discussing how the draft recommendations fit with the ideas shared at your strategy salon (when applicable).
The input communities have shared so far has been carefully documented, analyzed, and folded into the synthesized draft recommendations. Communities will be able to see footnotes referencing community ideas. What they share again in January/February will be given the same care, seriousness, and transparency.
This final round of community feedback will be presented to the Board of Trustees alongside the final recommendations that will be shared at the Wikimedia Summit.
Project Tiger 2.0 - last date of the contest
सम्पादन करी- Excuse us for writing in English, kindly translate the message if possible
Greetings from CIS-A2K!
It has been 86 days since Project Tiger 2.0 article writing contest started and all 15 communities have been performing extremely well, beyond the expectations.
The 3-month contest will come to an end on 11 January 2020 at 11.59 PM IST. We thank all the Wikipedians who have been contributing tirelessly since the last 2 months and wish you continue the same in these last 5 days!
Thanks for your attention
using --MediaWiki message delivery (वार्ता) १९:२०, ६ जनवरी २०२० (+0545)
सम्पादन करीआदरणीय मैथिली विकिपिडियाक सम्पादकसभ,
मैथिली विकिपिडियाक पाठक तथा सुवेक्षु लगायत सम्पूर्ण मैथिली विकिपिडिया परिवारकेँ सूचित करऽलेल चाहैत छी कि आई दिनाङ्क १५ जनवरी २०२० केँ विकिपिडिया अपन उन्नैसम वार्षिकोत्सव समारोह मनाबऽक लेल जा रहल अछि ताँए एहि अवसरमे अपने सभ गोटेक बहुत रास शुभकामना सङ्गे एहि कार्यक्रममे एबाक हेतु सादर आमन्त्रणा अछि।
तिथि: २०२० जनवरी १५ स्थान:- सो टाइम होटल, राजविराज समय:- साँझ ४:०० बजे सँ
- प्राथी
Wiki Loves Folklore
सम्पादन करीHello Folks,
Wiki Loves Love is back again in 2020 iteration as Wiki Loves Folklore from 1 February, 2020 - 29 February, 2020. Join us to celebrate the local cultural heritage of your region with the theme of folklore in the international photography contest at Wikimedia Commons. Images, videos and audios representing different forms of folk cultures and new forms of heritage that haven’t otherwise been documented so far are welcome submissions in Wiki Loves Folklore. Learn more about the contest at Meta-Wiki and Commons.
Kind regards,
Wiki Loves Folklore International Team
— Tulsi Bhagat (contribs | talk)
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Wiki Loves Women South Asia 2020
सम्पादन करीWiki Loves Women is back with the 2020 edition. Join us to celebrate women and queer community in Folklore theme and enrich Wikipedia with the local culture of your region. Happening from 1 February-31 March, Wiki Loves Women South Asia welcomes the articles created on folk culture and gender. The theme of the contest includes, but is not limited to, women and queer personalities in folklore, folk culture (folk artists, folk dancers, folk singers, folk musicians, folk game athletes, women in mythology, women warriors in folklores, witches and witch hunting, fairytales and more). You can learn more about the scope and the prizes at the project page.
Best wishes,
--MediaWiki message delivery (वार्ता) १५:३७, १९ जनवरी २०२० (+0545)
Wikimedia 2030: Movement Strategy Community conversations are here!
सम्पादन करीDear Affiliate Representatives and community members,
The launch of our final round of community conversation is finally here! We are excited to have the opportunity to invite you to take part.
The recommendations have been published! Please take time over the next five weeks to review and help us understand how your organization and community would be impacted.
What Does This Mean?
The core recommendations document has now been published on Meta in Arabic, English, French, German, Hindi, Portuguese, and Spanish. This is the result of more than a year of dedicated work by our working groups, and we are pleased to share the evolution of their work for your final consideration.
In addition to the recommendations text, you can read through key documents such as Principles, Process, and the Writer’s Reflections, which lend important context to this work and highlight the ways that the recommendations are conceptually interlinked.
We also have a brief Narrative of Change [5] which offers a summary introduction to the recommendations material.
How Is My Input Reflected In This Work?
Community input played an important role in the drafting of these recommendations. The core recommendations document reflects this and cites community input throughout in footnotes.
I also encourage you to take a look at our community input summaries. These texts show a further analysis of how all of the ideas you shared last year through online conversations, affiliate meetings, and strategy salons connect to recommendations. Many of the community notes and reports not footnoted in the core recommendations document are referenced here as evidence of the incredible convergence of ideas that have brought us this far.
What Happens Now?
Affiliates, online communities, and other stakeholders have the next five weeks to discuss and share feedback on these recommendations. In particular, we’re hoping to better understand how you think they would impact our movement - what benefits and opportunities do you foresee for your affiliate, and why? What challenges or barriers would they pose for you? Your input at this stage is vital, and we’d like to warmly invite you to participate in this final discussion period.
We encourage volunteer discussion co-ordinators for facilitating these discussions in your local language community on-wiki, on social media, informal or formal meet ups, on-hangouts, IRC or the village pump of your project. Please collect a report from these channels or conversations and connect with me directly so that I can be sure your input is collected and used. Alternatively, you can also post the feedback on the meta talk pages of the respective recommendations.
After this five week period, the Core Team will publish a summary report of input from across affiliates, online communities, and other stakeholders for public review before the recommendations are finalized. You can view our updated timeline here as well as an updated FAQ section that addresses topics like the goal of this current period, the various components of the draft recommendations, and what’s next in more detail.
Thank you again for taking the time to join us in community conversations, and we look forward to receiving your input. (Please help us by translating this message into your local language). Happy reading! RSharma (WMF) MediaWiki message delivery (वार्ता) ०३:१६, २१ जनवरी २०२० (+0545)
Train-the-Trainer 2020 Application open
सम्पादन करीSorry for writing this message in English - feel free to help us translating it
CIS-A2K is glad to announce Train the Trainer programme 2020 (TTT 2020) from 28 February - 1 March 2020. This is the 7th iteration of this programme. We are grateful to all the community members, resource persons for their consistent enthusiasm to participate and support. We expect this to continue as before.
What is TTT?
Train the Trainer or TTT is a residential training program. The program attempts to groom leadership skills among the Indian Wikimedia community members. Earlier TTT has been conducted in 2013, 2015, 2016, 2017, 2018 and 2019.
Who should apply?
- Any active Wikimedian from India, contributing to any Indic language Wikimedia project (including English) is eligible to apply.
- An editor with at least 800 edits on zero-namespace before 31 December 2019.
- Anyone who has the interest to conduct offline/real-life Wiki events and to train others.
- Anyone who has already participated in an earlier iteration of TTT, cannot apply.
Please learn more about this program and apply to participate or encourage the deserving candidates from your community to do so.
Thanks for your attention, --MediaWiki message delivery (वार्ता) २१:३१, २१ जनवरी २०२० (+0545)
मुख्य लेख परिवर्तन सम्बन्धमे
सम्पादन करीकिछ समयसँ मैथिली विकिपिडिया पर मुख्य लेख आवेदन नै अएलाक कारण मासिक रुपमे मुख्य लेख परिवर्तन करऽमे समस्या आबि रहल बोध भेल अछि। जहि कारण मुख्य लेखक लेल हम निम्नलिखित विकल्प आ एकर लेल समाधान समुदाय समक्ष पेश करऽ जा रहल छी-
- आई धरि निर्वाचित भेल मुख्य लेखसभमेसँ स्वचालित रुपसँ मुख्य लेख परिवर्तन करवाक व्यवस्था होमए सँ सम्मुख पन्ना खाली नै रहत।
- जौँ कियो मुख्य लेख प्रस्ताव करत आ ओ लेख समुदायद्वारा निर्वाचित भऽ जाएत तँ ओ लेख भरि महिना सम्मुख पन्ना पर प्रदर्शित कएल जाएत।
अपन विचार राखब। धन्यवाद--Biplab Anand (वार्ता) १६:२६, ४ फरबरी २०२० (+0545)
- समर्थन - विकल्प निक अछि। — तुल्सी भगत (योगदान | वार्ता) १६:३५, ४ फरबरी २०२० (+0545)
- समर्थन- Saroj Uprety (वार्ता) २३:४०, ७ फरबरी २०२० (+0545)
- समर्थन-Nilam☡ २३:३५, १४ फरबरी २०२० (+0545)
महिला सम्पादनथन २०२० प्रतियोगिता आयोजन तथा अनुदान प्रस्तावक सम्बन्धमे
सम्पादन करीवार्षिक रुप सँ मार्आच महिनामे आयोजन होएत आबि रहल महिला सम्पादनथन प्रतियोगिता एहो वर्ष करवाक सुरसार केनए छी। अहाँसभक सहयोग सँ पुरे मार्च महिनाधरि मैथिली विकिपिडिया पर अनलाइन सम्पादनथन प्रतियोगिता सञ्चालन कएल जाएत सङ्गे अन्तर्राष्ट्रिय नारी दिवसक दिन नारीसभक सम्मानमे एकटा विशेष कार्यक्रमक आयोजना कएल जाएत जहिमे विद्यालय तथा कलेजक छात्रासभ सहभागी कराएल जाएत ओकर बाद मैथिली विकिमिडियन्स प्रयोगकर्ता समूहक आधिकार वैसारसँ ई निर्णय कएल जाएत की कोन दू टा शहरसभमे आधारभूत विकिपिडिया कार्यक्रम कएल जाएत जहि लेल हम मेटा पर अनुदान प्रस्ताव केनए छी। कृपया समीक्षा करि उचित सलाह प्रदान कएल जाए। धन्यवाद--Nilam☡ २३:४८, १४ फरबरी २०२० (+0545)
Indic Wikisource Proofreadthon
सम्पादन करीSorry for writing this message in English - feel free to help us translating it
Hello all,
As COVID-19 has forced the Wikimedia communities to stay at home and like many other affiliates, CIS-A2K has decided to suspend all offline activities till 15th September 2020 (or till further notice). I present to you for an online training session for future coming months. The CIS-A2K have conducted a Online Indic Wikisource Proofreadthon to enrich our Indian classic literature in digital format.
- Booklist: a collection of books to be proofread. Kindly help us to find some classical literature your language. The book should not be available in any third party website with Unicode formatted text. Please collect the books and add our event page book list.
- Participants: Kindly sign your name at Participants section if you wish to participant this event.
- Reviewer: Kindly promote yourself as administrator/reviewer of this proofreadthon and add your proposal here. The administrator/reviewers could participate in this Proofreadthon.
- Some social media coverage: I would request to all Indic Wikisource community member, please spread the news to all social media channel, we always try to convince it your Wikipedia/Wikisource to use their SiteNotice. Of course, you must also use your own Wikisource site notice.
- Some awards: There may be some award/prize given by CIS-A2K.
- A way to count validated and proofread pages:Wikisource Contest Tools
- Time : Proofreadthon will run: from 01 May 2020 00.01 to 10 May 2020 23.59
- Rules and guidelines: The basic rules and guideline have described here
- Scoring: The details scoring method have described here
I really hope many Indic Wikisources will be present this year at-home lockdown.
Thanks for your attention
Jayanta (CIS-A2K)
Wikisource Advisor, CIS-A2K
The 2030 movement strategy recommendations are here!
सम्पादन करीGreetings! We are pleased to inform that the 2030 movement strategy recommendations have been published on Meta-wiki. Over the last two years, our movement has worked tirelessly to produce these ideas to change our shared future. Many of you participated in the online conversations, hosted strategy salons, attended regional events, and connected with us in-person at Wikimania. These contributions were invaluable, and will help make our movement stronger for years to come.
The finished set of 10 recommendations emphasizes many of our core values, such as equity, innovation, safety, and coordination, while tasking us jointly to turn this vision into a reality. These recommendations clarify and refine the previous version, which was published in January this year. They are at a high strategic level so that the ideas are flexible enough to be adapted to different global and local settings and will allow us to navigate future challenges. Along with the recommendations, we have outlined 10 underlying principles, a narrative of change, and a glossary of key terms for better context.
The recommendations are available in numerous languages, including Arabic, German, Hindi, English, French, Portuguese, and Spanish for you to read and share widely. We encourage you to read the recommendations in your own time and at your own pace, either online or in a PDF. There are a couple of other formats for you to take a deeper dive if you wish, such as a one-page summary, slides, and office hours, all collected on Meta. If you would like to comment, you are welcome to do so on the Meta talk pages. However, please note that these are the final version of the recommendations. No further edits will be made. This final version of the recommendations embodies an aspiration for how the Wikimedia movement should continue to change in order to advance that direction and meet the Wikimedia vision in a changing world.
In terms of next steps, our focus now shifts toward implementation. In light of the cancellation of the Wikimedia Summit, the Wikimedia Foundation is determining the best steps for moving forward through a series of virtual events over the coming months. We will also be hosting live office hours in the next coming few days, where you can join us to celebrate the Strategy and ask questions! Please stay tuned, and thank you once again for helping to drive our movement forward, together. RSharma (WMF)
[Small wiki toolkits – Indic workshop series 2020] Register now!
सम्पादन करीGreetings, hope this message finds you all in the best of your health, and you are staying safe amid the ongoing crisis.
Firstly, to give you context, Small wiki toolkits (SWT) is an initiative to support small wiki communities, to learn and share technical and semi-technical skills to support, maintain, and grow. We are happy to inform you that the SWT group has planned a series of four online workshops for Indic Wikimedia community members during June & July 2020. These workshops have been specifically designed and curated for Indic communities, based on a survey conducted early this year. The four workshops planned in this regard are;
- Understanding the technical challenges of Indic language wikis (by Birgit): Brainstorming about technical challenges faced by contributors to Indic language Wikimedia projects.
- Writing user scripts & gadgets (by Jayprakash12345): Basics to intermediate-level training on writing user scripts (Javascript and jQuery fundamentals are prerequisites).
- Using project management & bug reporting tool Phabricator (by Andre): Introduction to Phabricator, a tool used for project management and software bug reporting.
- Writing Wikidata queries (by Mahir256): Introduction to the Wikidata Query Service, from writing simple queries to constructing complex visualizations of structured data.
- You can read more about these workshops at: SWT Indic Workshop Series 2020/Workshops -- exact dates and timings will be informed later to selected participants.
Registration is open until 24 May 2020, and you can register yourself by visiting this page! These workshops will be quite helpful for Indic communities to expand their technical bandwidth, and further iterations will be conducted based on the response to the current series. Looking forward to your participation! If you have any questions, please contact us on the talk page here. MediaWiki message delivery (वार्ता) २३:२३, १६ मई २०२० (+0545)
Indic Wikisource Proofreadthon II and Central Notice
सम्पादन करीSorry for writing this message in English - feel free to help us translating it
Hello Proofreader,
After successful first Online Indic Wikisource Proofreadthon hosted and organised by CIS-A2K in May 2020, again we are planning to conduct one more Indic Wikisource Proofreadthon II.I would request to you, please submit your opinion about the dates of contest and help us to fix the dates. Please vote for your choice below.
Last date of submit of your vote on 24th September 2020, 11:59 PM
I really hope many Indic Wikisource proofreader will be present this time.
Please comment on CentralNotice banner proposal for Indic Wikisource Proofreadthon 2020 for the Indic Wikisource contest. (1 Oct2020 - 15 Oct, all IPs from India, Bangladesh, Srilanka, all project). Thank you.
Thanks for your attention
Jayanta (CIS-A2K)
Wikisource Advisor, CIS-A2K