This template gives the population (as of मई 2014 ) of the urban and metro areas of major cities/municipalieties as text output based on the name of municipality. It is used as follows:

{{Dutch municipality population urbanmetro|XX}}

with XX the name and Urban or Metro, for example: {{Dutch municipality population urbanmetro|Rotterdam Metro}} → 2390101

A reference to the source of the data is obtained by using: {{Dutch municipality population urbanmetro|dataref}}"Bevolkingsontwikkeling; Regionale kerncijfers Nederland" [Regional core figures Netherlands]। CBS Statline (डचमे)। CBS। 1 January 2020। अन्तिम पहुँच 8 March 2021

The year and month of the data are obtained by respectively calling popbaseyear or popbasemonth

The data in this template can be updated from time to time with new up-to-date CBS stats. Also consider updating the month, year and reference of the data when you would update the population numbers. The urban data for Amsterdam, 's-Gravenhage, Haarlem, Leiden and Rotterdam and the metro data for Eindhoven, 's-Gravenhage and Eindhoven are updated to their respective figures on 1 January 2020. The Amsterdam metro data is updated to 1 January 2019. There are no current definitions for urban areas or metro regions of any other city in the Netherlands, per the CBS as of 8 March 2021. Other figures remain as of 2014, but it may be better to remove them, as they are quite dated.